What is Google
Google rolls out Google
EMD update in October 2012 to
spare low quality content or low quality links to provide better search results
for the search queries entered by the users. By launching this update Google
target the sites/blogs that contains low-quality content and low quality links
on their website, webpage’s or blogs etc.
Google also tries to spare sites that use Exact Search
Phrases in their Domain names like Web Design Company (webdesigncompany.com).
It also doesn’t mean that you don’t have to stuff keywords in your website
elements URL addresses etc. But use them very carefully like you can use long tail keywords phrases to stuff
your keywords in the content or other major website elements. And the most
important part is to publish quality content that enhance the quality of your
websites links.
How to
spare EMD Update
If you have published any Low Quality Content on your
website, blogs, landing pages or Articles etc. Then it’s time to recover it by
updating your articles, blogs or even you can remove them. After that you must
concentrate to publish new and high quality content it must be unique and
informative for your readers, visitors or should be your articles minimum has 700-1000
words or even more.
And if your site has any low quality links or referral
articles then you must have to remove or update it. Or after updating of the
links you can pull out a reconsideration request to Google by using Google
Webmaster Tools.
That means Google strictly wants quality content and links
that was worth for their readers, visitors etc. You must provide genuine, new
and unique content and information to your visitors or also take care of Google
SEO Guidelines to prevent spamming. This helps you too boost your ranking and
website popularity.
Hi this is Anish Tiwari a Search Engine Optimizer or Blogger is dedicated to know all about the
SEO and latest trends and updates of Google that helps us to do quality SEO for our websites.
In this post their no information. "Let’s Decode the Google EMD Update " this is old topic please write new trends.next time, i hope mach better.