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Showing posts with the label seo help

Benefits of HTML5 to Increase Your Websiteā€™s SEO Potential

HTML5 Empowers your Websiteā€™s SEO Performance             We know all the things which we need to create or develop a website from many years. Every person needs a website to target their online customers to interact with them, which helps them to grow their business through online searches/queries. We all know that the Website Development and Internet Marketing are two different aspects of the business. They both are important to expanding your brand awareness or business. First we meet with New Technologies to Website Design and Development. We all are using several techniques, tools, software's and languages to develop our website. Every time peoples are struggling to find the new website development technologies. HTML5 is the solution for all of your needs, let's go ahead to explore the benefits of the HTML5 language You all are at-least known that HTML is a Language to create webpages. Well, as compared then...

Fetch as Google getting better by rendering pages as Googlebot seen them through Fetch as Renderā€¦

Debug JavaScript and CSS errors with Fetch as Render by Google Webmasters Tools Google Recently Announced on Google Webmasters Central Blog that they are releasing a new tool which helps to debug your websites JavaScript and CSS issues. Now you can see how Googlebot renders a webpage. Google trying to improve their indexing because till now Google only indexes content, instead of showing some output of HTML codes and content Google will show you a visual representation that what Google see on a webpage. It will also shows you that what resources Google cannot access while crawling your website, like what JavaScript, CSS and other resources are blocked by robots. Google announced this option in Google Webmaster Tools as  ā€œFetch and Renderā€  at just next from  ā€œfetch as Googleā€ . You can also tell Google that what device you are using like Desktop, Smartphone or feature phones etc. while fetching your website. This shows you the accurate preview of you...

What Is Page Rank and What Are the Different Ways to Improve Page Rank

Here are some tips to improve the page rank of a website/webpage Since the inception of information technology, ample of businesses persons have become able to grab maximum ROI and enhance their portfolio in an international standard. For enhancing business with the help of information technology, the measure of Search Engine Optimization can be taken into consideration. Optimizing a website or web page can help drawing the attention of potential visitors which will help enhancing sales. Page rank is inherently associated with Search Engine Optimization. In a technical term, Page Rank is a way for comparing and analyzing website links used by the Search Engines like Google. A business website's Page Rank (PR) is a numerical value from 1 to 10 which denotes the quantity and quality of links which is pointing it from other websites. There are multitudes of things you can do to enhance the Page Rank in the eyes of Search Engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing etc. If you a...

Matt Cutts Calls Guest Blogging is Dead for at least Link Building Purpose

Matt Cutts Roars against Guest Blogging Calls Guest Blogging is Dead for Link Building Purpose Before two-three years, Guest Blogging is count as a good way to sharing High Quality Content on High Quality Websites that helps to create high quality backlinks for a particular website. And this will also improves the page rank, domain authority and page authority of a website. Means we will put good efforts that is appreciated by Google for creating high quality content and we will gain attention too from our relevant visitors, but from past 1-2 years Guest Blogging creates lots of link spam because Guest Bloggers are putting a lot of links by using anchor tag on a keyword this will increase keyword stuffing and link spam or else low quality content in search engines. And now, some of popular guest blogging websites approves the low quality content or guest blog on their website instantly without checking the quality of content to make money. So now Google wants...

Lets getting familiar with Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI)

Latent Semantic Indexing is a system used by Search Engines. Web Pages Contents are crawled by search engines every time and the most common words and phrases are collected by search engines identified as Keywords Phrases for the webpages. LSI or Latent Semantic Indexing is a system that looks for the synonyms of your webpage titles. For example, if your webpage title is "Web Design Company" the search engines try or expecting to find the related words matching from your title or subject in the content of the pages as well "Development" , "Website" , "Designing" etc. SEO strategy always indicates the importance of words and phrases placed in the Titles, Headings, especially H1 Tag. And also words and phrases used in content are gently decorated like bold, italic, underline etc. Looks more attractive and eye-catchy, and also pays more attention to the visitors. But you must be aware about the use of the LSI before using it, otherwise, it ...